Posted by: notsofancynancy | August 26, 2012

How We Celebrated National Dog Day

Our Newest Addition

I don’t know how this happens. I am restricted (by my hubby and my good sense) from looking at dogs on the internet. But something came over me and the next thing I know my hubby is off to look at a new dog. We don’t really need a new dog, we have three already. It is not like I don’t have enough love for all of them I certainly do. And if I was a millionaire I would have lots of land and lots of dogs. They are what keep me going, the reason I get out of bed in the morning.  I love having a new challenge to train and who knows maybe someday she will grow up to be a therapy dog, maybe not.

This little girl was in a high kill shelter which euthanizes the dogs in three to four day. We have been looking at her for two days, so she had little time left. I just cannot imagine that they would kill such a sweet little girl. Well I have not met her face to face. My hubby knows better than to take me to a shelter, especially a high kill shelter. We might come home with ten dogs. I think four is enough, for now. She is to be fixed tomorrow and we can pick her up around four o’clock. I am nervous and excited at the same time. I wonder how she will fit into our balanced pack. I will keep you updated!

We do not have a name for this little angel so any suggestions?

Happy National Dog Day to us!


  1. Angel!

  2. And you’re her angel for rescuing her! 🙂

  3. oh my goodness, what a little sweetheart! I’m so happy for you. And her! God bless you.

  4. She is precious and you are an angel 😀

  5. Congratulations on the adoption! Kona sends woofs & wags too!

  6. How about Hope for a name? I love her photo she looks beautiful. You are a great person Nancy, the world needs more people like you and your husband.
    cheers Judy 🙂

    • That is two votes for Hope! and thank you! I always wish I could do more but I can only save them one at a time.

  7. “Hope”… failing that ” Yooki” (combination for ‘Yoda’ and ‘Wookie’… just look at those ears!).

    I’m so very happy to hear that she’s found her “forever home”. 🙂

    • I like both and am putting them on the name list!

  8. You’ve got a big heart. Best wishes!

  9. She is such a sweetie. People with brown dogs are always naming them cocoa. How about Nilla? Which makes me think of Cookie, which would be a good name too. Love the blog!

    • Nilla is a great one. I have a good friend named Cookie so that probably wont work. Thanks!

      • No. We had a dog named Tammy when I was a child. A neighbor moved in down the street and she was my new friend. Her name was Tammy. Whenever my mom would call the dog, “Taaaammy . . . . Taaaammmy . . . ” My friend would come running! 🙂

  10. She’s so sweet – I think I’d call her Sugar!

  11. She looks so sweet. How about the name little Lulu?
    God bless you all!

    • Oh that is a nice one. I will add it to the list! Thanks!

  12. For some reason I am thinking of Italian names…Bella (beautiful) or Vita (Life). Best of luck with her. She is precious!

    • Two very nice names to add to the list! Thanks!

  13. Congratulations! She is so sweet. My Bumble (also a rescue dog) says hi!

  14. I really admire you for the work you do with the dogs. I lack the courage to go to the shelter at all. Whatever you call her I’m confident she’ll thrive with all your love. So Grace is my nomination…for what you’ve given her, and her grace in the shelter.

    • Oh I do love Grace! I am putting it on the list! I cannot go to a shelter either. I find them on Petfinders on the computer. My hubby goes to the shelter. In fact he does not let me go cause we would have a really big pack! Thank you!

  15. What a truly lovely thing to do on national dogs day. She is gorgeous! No doubt she’ll tell you her name when she comes home to you but you’ve got some great suggestions coming in. Can’t wait to hear how it all goes. Well done you.

    • Thank you! I truly believe she will tell us her name! But we do have a lot to choose from. Stay tuned! lol

  16. What a great way to celebrate the dogs day. You are gorgeous!!!

  17. Hi Nancy, I like your blog and have nominated you for an award, which I’d be glad to have you accept (but if you do not accept awards at this time, please ignore). Here it is:

  18. Awesome job – definitely put a smile on my face, but nothing compared to the lifetime of smiles you’ll get from the newest addition to your family.

  19. Yay for you! And I think she looks like a Lucy. I have been to the pound once and I will never go back. Do you live near the Merced CA facility? We have dogs up here from there. I think they have the highest kill rate in the country. You’re making me want another dog!

    • My Hubby likes that name, Lucy.

      You know I hate to tell you this, you don’t have to go to the shelter to find dogs anymore. You can look on Almost every shelter has “Friends of Shelter” groups who take pictures of the dogs in the shelter and post them on sites such as Petfinder. THAT is what gets me in trouble. I look online then send hubby down to look. (if you find one online you only have to go to the front desk of the shelter they will bring it to you.) All you have to do is go to the site and input your zip and it will show you the dogs that are available. Also a lot of the shelters here take dogs to pet stores in the area. They make it way too easy. I think you need a new dog, no? lol

      • Oh believe me, I spend a LOT of time on Petfinder 🙂 Merced is northern California I think, Sacramento area maybe? Now I’m going to run the Google on it. Yep, between SF and Fresno.

        Go Lucy!!!

    • Oh and I live in Southern California, not sure where Merced is.

  20. Linda initially tried to get us to name our latest Chi Lucy! John ended up renaming her Zoey. All of the names are good, but I think Lucy fits well too! I actually think my sister was inspired by the pink w/ black polka dotted collar that I had bought for her 🙂 Can’t wait to see pics of her with the other three!

    • What is it with our men and Lucy? lol Thanks for stopping by!

  21. OMG, I’m soooo very happy for you and your new dog!!! That has just made my day completely (it was one of those days). I was just watching an old Flinstones the other day and thought, ya Dino is a fun name…but you’re getting a girl and she’s so little..maybe Pebbles? I can’t wait to hear all about her. Big Hug!

    • I am so glad I got a smile out of you! Thanks for the name suggestions I have added them to the list!

  22. You sound like my wife. If we had a million dollars, I would still be poor, but hundreds of animals would be rich beyond measure. As for a name, how about Phoenix; this dog truly rose from the ashes. And I’m from Arizona; as a Tucsonan, I hate Phoenix, but Tucson is a dumb name for a dog.

    • I do like Phoenix! I will put it on the list. And yes we would be poor and all the dogs I could get my hands on would be saved. To think had we not adopted her today she would have been euthanized. Crazy I tell you!

  23. Did you get her today?

    • Yes! we just got home with her…. a long story…They fixed her today. I never knew they fixed two month old dogs, but after searching the net I found that if you have a good doctor they have no problem with doing it so young. She is sleeping now. She has really big ears! I am thinking Radar! lol

  24. I like Surprise! Ha! Didn’t know it was National Dog Day. Surprise to me, too! Debra

  25. She is really cute. I’m happy you were able to give her a home. I hope to hear what you named her.

  26. What a lovely thing you have done, rescuing this wee mite. Whatever you end up calling her, I know she is going to be loved.

    Big WOOFS from Solo 🙂

  27. I did not know there was a National Dog Day … best if I still did not know … like you, I could not venture into a shelter. Their sweet innocent faces just draw me in …

    • The make it too easy these days to find a shelter dog. Great for the dogs, not so good for a dog lover. I am once again forbidden to look on adoption sites.

  28. We lost our last dog, Baxter five years ago. I would love to have another, but when I get that strong urge, I go visit my daughter and her three boxers. They are a challenge. Each 85 pound bundle of love believes they are still a lap dog.

    • lol I am not sure I could ever be without one. We lost three in two years, then got two within two years. I feel blessed that I had room to rescue them.

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